What We Believe
Saint Barnabas Church is a continuing Anglican Church. By 'continuing' we mean remaining constant to the faith delivered to us by our forebears in the Anglican Church, the Great Western Church, and all the way back to the Early Church established by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself through His Apostles.
Saint Barnabas Church is a continuing Anglican Church. By 'continuing' we mean remaining constant to the faith delivered to us by our forebears in the Anglican Church, the Great Western Church, and all the way back to the Early Church established by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself through His Apostles.
♦ Our beliefs are based on the teachings of the Bible as explained in the Three Creeds and the Tradition of the Church.
♦ Our beliefs are based on the teachings of the Bible as explained in the Three Creeds and the Tradition of the Church.
♦ Our bishops hold valid consecrations and are in Apostolic Succession to the original apostles who were chosen by Christ Himself.
♦ Our bishops hold valid consecrations and are in Apostolic Succession to the original apostles who were chosen by Christ Himself.
♦ The Affirmation of St Louis contains statements and principles of the continuing Anglican Church in expanded form.
♦ The Affirmation of St Louis contains statements and principles of the continuing Anglican Church in expanded form.
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